
Assume we have the following table named Inventory:

This information is updated in real-time and warehouse managers are constantly checking the levels of products stored at their warehouse and available for shipment. In the past, each manager would run queries similar to the following:

SELECT Product, Quantity
FROM Inventory
WHERE Warehouse = 'FL'

This resulted in very inefficient performance at the SQL Server. Each time a warehouse manager executed the query, the database server was forced to recompile the query and execute it from scratch. It also required the warehouse manager to have knowledge of SQL and appropriate permissions to access the table information.

We can simplify this process through the use of a stored procedure. Let's create a procedure called sp_GetInventory that retrieves the inventory levels for a given warehouse. Here's the SQL code:

@location varchar(10)
SELECT Product, Quantity
FROM Inventory
WHERE Warehouse = @location

Our Florida warehouse manager can then access inventory levels by issuing the command

EXECUTE sp_GetInventory 'FL'

The New York warehouse manager can use the same stored procedure to access that area's inventory.

EXECUTE sp_GetInventory 'NY'

Granted, this is a simple example, but the benefits of abstraction can be seen here. The warehouse manager does not need to understand SQL or the inner workings of the procedure. From a performance perspective, the stored procedure will work wonders. The SQL Sever creates an execution plan once and then reutilizes it by plugging in the appropriate parameters at execution time.

Now that you've learned the benefits of stored procedures, get out there and use them! Try a few examples and measure the performance enhancements achieved -- you'll be amazed!